Weapons - +% bonus to Summoned Minion damage Shields - +% bonus to Summoned Minion resistances Weapons - +% bonus to Summoned Minion life Weapons - chance% reanimate as: Death Gnat Unfortunately, the new gem types are not considered as gems in some parts of the game for example, you cannot upgrade them with Gem Shrines. So for example if gem X gives life when used on weapons, mana on armor, and resistances on shields, if you slot it into a belt you will get the armor effect (mana).
Also, since sockets can now appear on other armor pieces (gloves, belts, boots), the gem and rune effects for those pieces share the same effect as on armor. Median XL contains the standard Diablo 2 gems with new bonuses, as well as 5 additional gem types and 20 additional runes. The following is a rundown of the more visible changes in the game. It changes many features of the original game - basically, it revamps nearly everything. Median XL is a mod for Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction. Q: What exactly is the mod about? What does it change? * your game installation must be patched to any version from at least 1.10 to 1.12. * the Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction expansion This is what you must have installed in order to play Median XL. It is a patch_d2.mpq mod (as opposed to an unpacked -direct -txt mod) which means installation is very easy. Median XL supports both PC and Mac computers. Q: What do I need to get the mod running? Does it work with other mods and stuff?